Writing Services

Photo by Kembra Pfahler

Words have power.

From gossip, word of mouth, and online chatter to the harder copy of books, articles, and press releases, framing the discussion is key. 

Yet art often defies words – how do you talk about something that's already so eloquent in its own mysterious way? 

Whether a work of art can be judged objectively on its own merits  remains an open question – one that is more or less interesting depending on who you ask. 

But it's certain that art brings forth new realities which compel elaboration, discussion, and interpretation (with apologies to my fellow Capricorn Susan Sontag). 

So what do you want the discussion to look like?

Here's some common formats that I work in:


Ubiquitous and often perfunctory, artist bios are nonetheless key framing devices that serve as a first encounter or re-introduction. Make it count with something up-to-date, custom formatted and eminently skimmable for your roster, or yourself.

Brand and Product Copywriting

Tell your story, define your strengths, and grow a fanbase for your creations or offerings with consistent, thoughtful messaging that reflects the passion and care behind what you do.

Press Release

At first writing press releases was fun, but then it just got in the way of the million and one things – or dollars – to deal with before an opening. Or maybe you've always hated them. Has your artist sent you a fascinating yet inscrutable statement on their latest works? I love creating structure without killing the mystique. 

Exhibition Text

At times interchangeable with the press release above, but sometimes you want something more expansive. Or creative, or custom – let me edit, ghostwrite, or author it to convey your vision.

Essay (Catalog or Otherwise)

Opinions, insights, anecdotes – there’s a story to tell when it comes to these works, and here’s a chance to go in depth. Art can be both of the moment and for the history books. What do you want recorded for posterity?

Artist Statement

Whether it's your own, or that of someone you work with, artist statements can be fraught. They're important documents, and yet often haphazardly written – most artists spend more time making art than writing about it. I won't put words in your mouth, but I can help you say what you meant to say.

Album Onesheet

On another, no less rigorous note, compelling copy is a must for music. You'll be on the front foot leading with specific, distinctive, and accurate prose. Avoid clichés and hype cycle drivel by contextualizing your release to stand the test of time.

Liner Notes

The counterpoint to your music. Give fans something to sink their teeth into and enrich your artistry. Creative writing can impart uniqueness to your release and make it memorable. I can edit and develop your writing, or author an original piece for your album notes.

Content Writing

Your social media and content platforms should sparkle with the same flair and nuance that you bring to in-person interactions with clients and audiences. Whether you embrace the parasocial or prefer to leave more to the imagination, robust writing showcases your strengths and keeps you in the mix.